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Can Wisdom Teeth be the Winning Lotto Ticket in Your Child’s Mouth?

10/10/16 6:41 AM

Study are suggesting that the early prophylactic removal of developing third molars (wisdom teeth) can avoid future surgical problems and expenses. The developing tooth bud can supply valuable pluripotent stem cells that may be used to treat diabetes, liver disease or for anti-aging or regenerative medicine.    The surgical removal of wisdom teeth does have risks which include a 6% chance of permanent numbness of the tongue, lip, gums or teeth. There is also significant discomfort during or following the procedure.

However compare to the removal of the developing tooth germ or tooth bud is a low risk procedure that is done with minimal trauma or post op complications. Also more importantly this developing tooth bud is an ideal source of powerful multi or pluripotent stem cells.

Posted on 10/10/16 6:41 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Can Wisdom Teeth be the Winning Lotto Ticket in Your Child’s Mouth?

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